Pulsar 3.2 Pro
F5J Electric Sailplane 3,2 m span.
Code 2.6
The three piece wing which is extremely light but very strong, is built with a Kevlar/carbon woven cloth D-box leading edge, with carbon capped ribs and a carbon trailing edge. This design is not afraid of heat and cold, is not afraid of moisture and rain. Wing and control surfaces are not subject to warping, as is usually the case with full balsa model counterparts. Central panel of the Pro model is made with a cross "V" 2 degrees, which improves the performance models, especially in small thermals. The fuselage has easily removable canopy for R/C equipment service. The fuselage can be equipped with a ballast chamber at the request of the customer. The control surfaces are pre-hinged with integral shrouds fitted to the flaps and ailerons making less drag. |
Wing span 3220 mm Length ~1720 mm Wing Area 70,5 sq. dm Airfoil AG 25 mod. Weight (less R/C gear) 880 g
Control: Ailerons, Rudder, Elevator, Flap, Motor.
Equipment Installation Diagram. Recommended Equipment: Motor Outrunner 130 - 150 g. Controller Phoenix ICE Lite 75SB Battery pack 3 LiPo 1600 Ah Propeller folding 13” x 8” Spinner 38/40/42 mm Servo 2 x 9 mm elevator and rudder, 4 x 13 mm flaps and ailerons. Recommended Control Travel: Elevator +14 /-18 mm Rudder + /-36 mm Flap Full down Ailerons +15 mm/-14 mm Take off and landing +12 mm/-6 mm Glide Use the template to set "0" flaps and ailerons. Assembling instruction: see here Available Pulsar 3.2 Pro with V-tail. Tape down all removable parts before flying! GOOD LUCK!