Pulsar 2.0
F5J Electric Sailplane 2 m span.
Code 2.2
Pulsar 2.0 has been designed for popular 2 m span competition. The wing is a built-up Carbon Fiber D-box design that utilized carbon fiber faced balsa ribs and a carbon fiber strip trailing edge. This design is not afraid of heat and cold, is not afraid of moisture and rain. Wing and control surfaces are not subject to warping, as is usually the case with full balsa model counterparts.
The fuselage has easily removable canopy for R/C equipment service. The ailerons, flap, rudder and elevator are pre-hinged. |
Wing span 1990 mm Length 1170 mm Wing Area 32 sq. dm Airfoil AG 25 mod. Weight (less R/C gear) 320 g
Control: Ailerons, Rudder, Elevator, Flap, Motor. |
Equipment Installation Diagram. Recommended Equipment: Motor Hacker B20-15L + 4:1 or Outrunner brushless motor 2627 Controller Phoenix 25 Battery pack 3 LiPo 600-1000 mAh Spinner D = 30 mm Propeller folding 10” x 7” Servo 2 x 8 mm elevator and rudder, 3 x 9 mm flap and ailerons. Recommended Control Travel: Ailerons +10/-8 mm Elevator +/-8 mm Rudder +/-20 mm Flap Full down Use the template to set "0" flaps and ailerons. Assembling instruction: see here Available Pulsar 2.0 with V-tail. Available Pulsar 2.0 Rudder/Elevator/Flap version (REF). Code 2.3F Available Pulsar 2.0 Rudder/ Elevator/ Spoiler version (RES). Code 2.3S Tape down all removable parts before flying! GOOD LUCK!
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